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Why Census Matters?

May 21, 2019 7:39 AM | Deleted user

Why Census 2020 Matters for all-Volume 1

Did you know that the U.S. Constitution requires an accurate count every 10 years of the population? But why? There are a multitude of reasons, but let me tell you about a few.

  • The numbers and demographics calculated in the census determine federal dollars allocated to states from all national programs. For Delaware that can be up to $2,200 per Delawarean not counted. 
  • Census data is used to determine local needs for roads, schools, child care, senior centers, housing, environment, incarceration and healthcare.
  • Most countries do a census, in India they include photos and fingerprints of everyone over 15 as part of their census. 
  • The business community uses census data to consider moving to an area, expanding locations, and whether to hire more people.
  • Social Security uses the data to determine what they will need in money to support the aging population and at what age will they consider eligibility. 
  • Census determines affects states representation in congress based on population counts.
  • Census data cannot be shared with immigration, law enforcement agencies, or allow it to determine eligibility for programs. 

These are some basic facts, but beyond that it is your civic duty, just like obeying the laws, paying taxes, and jury duty. As said by Benjamin Franklin in 1789  “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”.. I would add to that an accurate accounting of not just the U.S. population, but the world population.

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