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Farrell Family Foundation

  • January 01, 2021

Farrell Family FoundationThe primary focus of the FFF will be in the following areas:

EDUCATION, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON TECHNOLOGY - Gifts will be made to tertiary institutions, as well as secondary schools oriented toward technology. Ideally these schools will serve underprivileged children who have the capability but not the resources to reach their full potential.

HEALTH AND HUMAN WELFARE - A FFF goal is to improve the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of members of society who require a helping hand to get them out of difficulty, but have the desire and will to eventually become independent and productive citizens.

THE ARTS - Recognizing that arts and culture play an important role in society as a whole, support will be given to organizations that provide quality in their productions/exhibitions, access to the entire community and strong outreach and educational programs.

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