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Emergency Response Fund, CDC Foundation

  • December 31, 2020

 Funds raised by the CDC Foundation through our Emergency Response Fund will be used to meet fast-emerging needs identified by CDC to help respond to the public health threat posed by this virus. These include additional support for state and local health departments, support for the global response, logistics, communications, data management, personal protective equipment, critical response supplies and more.

In late 2019, a new coronavirus, which causes the disease now known as COVID-19, was detected in Wuhan City, China. Today, the virus is spreading throughout the globe, including the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking aggressive public health measures to help protect the health of Americans and assist international partners.

In January, CDC requested the CDC Foundation, an independent nonprofit organization, activate our Emergency Response Fund to provide support to rapidly emerging response needs. Support from individuals and organizations provides much needed funding to meet response needs where federal and state funding is not available or available quickly enough to meet the need.

Click here for more information. 

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