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Emergent Fund

  • December 31, 2020

 The Emergent Fund was established immediately after the 2016 election to help move quick resources with no strings attached to communities There are two types of efforts we support, which distinguish an Emergent Fund grant from thousands of other worthy projects and organizations:

  • Efforts that support emergent strategies that help communities respond to rapidly changing conditions. This includes resisting new or amplified threats and building power to move a proactive agenda.
  • Efforts seeking long-term social justice and economic justice in a political and social climate that seeks to dismantle such efforts.

Additional considerations:

Emergent work: New solutions responding to rapidly changing conditions in the current political environment

Visionary and Power Building: Seeks transformational systemic changes rooted in social and economic justice. Develops community power through organizing and/or leadership development (including through new tools), direct action, and/or cultural work

Leadership from affected communities

Intersectional Analysis: Engages multiple identities and multi-racial alliance building as core to theory of change

Endorsed: Recommended by a member of the Nominations Network

Right size of need: The level of Emergent Fund support is appropriate to the work

Proposals can be ideas, collaborations, campaigns, or organizations, whether or not they are fully formed; don't worry about your notes being perfect or comprehensive.


The Emergent Fund accepts proposals via the JustFund Portal, a new digital platform established by Solidaire Network and other funders to help connect social justice funders, foundations, and funds directly with grassroots organizations and urgent projects.

Go to and click Register as an Organization to create an account on the site. You will receive an email confirming your registration and login information within 24 hours.

Once you’ve received your login information, sign in at

Click Create a New Proposal Draft to begin your application. You may save your proposal and continue to edit it at your leisure.

Once you are ready to submit your proposal, click Submit. Make sure to select Emergent Fund so that we know to review your proposal.

If you have an existing proposal on the JustFund portal that you would like to submit to the Emergent Fund, simply log in at, make any edits you would like, and click Submit. Make sure to select Emergent Fund so that we know to review your proposal.

Click here for more information. 


  • If you have questions about how to register or use the JustFund portal, please email us at
  • For questions specific to the Emergent Fund application process, please email us at

Contact Us:
Office: (302) 588-1342

100 W. 10th Street, Suite 500
Wilmington, DE 19801

Copyright Philanthropy Delaware, Inc. 2017
Philanthropy Delaware, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

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