The coronavirus crisis has had an immediate and immense impact on our region and we are thankful for those serving our community in this very challenging time. Nonprofits have demonstrated a passion, care, and concern for others that is humbling. We also recognize that this crisis has had a profound impact on your ability to deliver much-needed services to your constituencies. Some organizations have scaled quickly to meet increased human needs for our most vulnerable; many have adapted to provide services and programs remotely; and others have moved into hibernation. Nearly all have already seen a drop in revenue, with many unknowns still ahead.
Over the past two months we have already responded to the crisis in ways that you can learn about on our website ( – including participation in a collective effort by the Delaware Community Foundation, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement, Philanthropy Delaware, and the United Way. To respond further to the growing and urgent need, the Longwood Foundation has decided to run a summer grant cycle (with an application deadline of June 5th) to expedite getting funding out to the community for nonprofits with COVID-19 informed plans and needs. The summer cycle will be held in addition to our scheduled fall grant cycle (with the usual application deadline of September 1st).
We anticipate these next two cycles will be somewhat different than “typical” Longwood Foundation grant cycles. Additional details will be available in the coming days on our new webpage specific to the summer 2020 grant cycle: In the meantime, most importantly, we are inviting you to one of three upcoming Summer Cycle & COVID-19 Q&A Zoom Sessions with the Longwood Foundation team next week. These sessions are primarily intended for organizations considering a grant application in summer or fall 2020. However, anyone interested in the Longwood Foundation’s plans for the remainder of 2020 are invited to join. Participation neither improves nor harms an organization’s likelihood of receiving funding.
Please note that pre-meetings in advance of the application deadlines will not be offered to discuss specific requests, due to the volume anticipated. Therefore, we recommend all organizations considering an application try to attend one of these sessions and review the specific guidelines, to be published by May 20th. If helpful, below are the timelines for the remaining grant cycles this year:
Contact Us: Office: (302)
Address:100 W. 10th Street, Suite 500Wilmington, DE 19801
Copyright Philanthropy Delaware, Inc. 2017Philanthropy Delaware, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization